July 27

I was once a gamer

Tags: gamer, lan, attack, community | 5 comments »

It was not so long ago in fact, it's just that it appears to me a very long time... and I miss that time!

I was really into it, I was downloading every demos coming out, just to see what the game was like. I also had a computing beast as PC (well that's still the case, ;-), just not the same goal).

It was the time when the Internet was growing fast, giving birth to monstrous giants. It was the time when with some of my best friend, we created LAN-Attack.ch. It's true, the site's code was one man's creation, not me! And most of the content on the site was not by me either, but we were all in one adventure.

Today, the site is on the verge of extinction, and it's not much to say, years without any news, nothing. I have to say that every founders made in way in life and hasn't taken the time to keep that site alive.

Today, I would like to do something of what's left, I already have some ideas of what I want to do, from where I want to begin, of what technologies I am going to use. I lack some things like some designer skills or some pseudo-feed-back on my ideas. I will keep you updated and hope to show you the results of my first trials soon. Hoping to create a movement or better a community! Stay tuned!

Comment made by Pytha, Tuesday 28 July 2009 01:34:03 CEST

Vaste projet ! Presque dommage qu'aujourd'hui les LAN aient perdu pas mal d'intérêt, conséquence de la démocratisation des connexions Internet rapides à faible coût (comparé à l'époque de la fondation de L-A). Reste l'ambiance, unique ! Curieux de voir quel nouveau créneau tu veux donner à ce site :) On est impatient !

Comment made by Julien, Tuesday 28 July 2009 13:21:52 CEST

Certes, vaste projet ! Mais je vais commencer petit ;-), et je t'enverrais un invit' pour tester la version alpha !

Comment made by Blaise, Tuesday 28 July 2009 17:02:41 CEST

Ca me semble une bonne idée. Pour ma part, un seul commentaire: en ces temps immémoriaux la guerre froide PC-Mac faisait rage, je ne me sentais dès lors pas trop concerné... Maintenant que les temps ont coulé, une idée pour nous inclure un minimum?

Comment made by Julien, Wednesday 29 July 2009 00:10:59 CEST

Blaise, mes dernières études de marcher montrent que ... et puis non je n'ai pas d'étude de marcher :-). En fait, je ne sais pas si "vous" serez inclu ou non, mes idées actuelles ne vous exculent pas par défaut, comme les idées de l'époque ne le faisaient pas non plus ...

Comment made by Blaise, Wednesday 29 July 2009 04:23:29 CEST

Nous ne sommes que des pions entre des mains pleines de pognon...

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