January 4

Low activity


You've noticed it, I did not post much theses days, and if almost all my readers already knew, I'm saying it here (posting something at least). It hurt three of my fingers of my right hand, nothing broken or really painful, but affecting by 10 fingers typing ability for sure! I also made an attempt to draw, but I was not convinced by the quality of the result ... so be patient, I'll be back about the 13th!

Comment made by Maud, Monday 5 January 2009 11:04:48 CET

Et tu crois qu'on va accepter ça comme excuse pour ton manque d'assiduité? En plus c'est même pas cassé!

Comment made by Blaise, Monday 5 January 2009 14:50:33 CET

Sur ce coup-là, je te trouve un peu dure, Maud! De toute façon, on à tous ralenti le rythme. On apprendra la patience, voilà tout!

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